All products can be kept in an air tight container at room temperature for 2 months.
Payment (cash or credit) can be made at time of delivery if order is made via text/email. Use the link below to place your order via. If you wish to pay in advance, I can take credit over the phone.
You can use our online store to order, pay, and schedule a free delivery. Use the link below to access our online store.
If you order through via text/email, delivery is FREE! If you order and pay through the online store, deliver will cost $0.50 per order.
Items can be delivered up to a 15 mile radius.
Items are delivered on Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
There is a 3 day processing time for all orders.
Exceptions can be made.
I currently do not offer refunds or exchanges. However, if you do have an issue with your purchase, please contact me.
Dancin' Dog, LLC owners, and its employees are not responsible if you, your dog, or anyone overeats, has an allergic reaction, or otherwise has a medical reaction to any of the consumed products.